How to do Fran WOD

Fran WOD is a popular CrossFit workout named after Fran, a member of the CrossFit community. It is a combination of thrusters and pull-ups that is famous for its difficulty level and extreme intensity.
The Fran WOD consists of 45 repetitions each of thrusters (a combination of squats and shoulder presses) and pull-ups. The goal is to finish the entire workout as quickly as possible. This workout is often used to measure an individual’s fitness level and progress in CrossFit.
The Fran WOD is a great way to challenge yourself and push your body to its limits. It can also help you build strength, muscular endurance, and cardiovascular fitness.
Because of its intense nature, it is important to perform the Fran WOD with proper form and technique to prevent injury. It is also important to warm up and stretch properly before doing any CrossFit workout.
If you are just starting out in CrossFit, it is best to do scaled down versions of the Fran WOD with lighter weights and fewer repetitions. As your fitness level increases, you can gradually increase the reps and weight.
What a Fran looks like
- 21 Thrusters
21 Pull-Ups
- 15 Thrusters
15 Pull-Ups
- 9 Thrusters
- 9 Pull-Ups
How to do Fran WOD
Warm up: Make sure to warm up your body before doing any CrossFit workout. Do a few minutes of light jogging, dynamic stretching, and some high intensity movements such as burpees and mountain climbers.
Set up: Place a barbell about shoulder-width apart on a squat rack. If you don’t have a squat rack, you can also use a power rack or a barbell set up on the ground.
Begin the WOD: Start with the thrusters. Squat down, grab the barbell with an overhand grip, and stand up explosively while pressing the barbell overhead. Then, perform 21 pull-ups.
Rest: Take a few minutes to rest before repeating the thrusters and pull-ups. Aim to complete the entire workout in 8-10 minutes.
Cool down: Finish your workout with a few minutes of light stretching and jogging.
Tips and advice
• Make sure to focus on proper form and technique rather than speed.
• Don’t be afraid to scale back the weight or number of reps if you are just starting out.
• Make sure to rest in between sets to avoid fatigue and injury.
• Aim to complete the Fran WOD in 8-10 minutes.
• Use a timer to help you keep track of your time and progress.
The Fran WOD is a great way to challenge your body, build strength and endurance, and improve your overall fitness level. Make sure to use proper form and technique, warm up and cool down properly, and scale down the workout if you need to.