How to do Cyndy WOD

Cynthia Wood, better known as Cindy, is a 20-minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) workout. The workout consists of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 squats.
Cindy was originally created by Coach Greg Glassman as a benchmark workout to test an athlete’s general physical preparedness. Cindy is a great workout for beginners as well as experienced CrossFit athletes.

How to do Cindy
To complete Cindy, start by warming up with some light cardio and mobility exercises. Then, begin the AMRAP by completing as many rounds of the 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 squats as possible in 20 minutes.
If you cannot do pull-ups, you can modify the workout by doing jumping pull-ups or ring rows. To make the push-ups easier, you can do them on your knees.
Cindy is a great workout to do if you are short on time and want to get a quick, full-body workout in. Give it a try the next time you are in the gym!
What are the benefits of Cindy Wood?
Cindy Wood is a great workout for a number of reasons. First, it is a full-body workout that hits all the major muscle groups. Second, it is a relatively short workout, so it is perfect for someone who is short on time. Third, it is a great workout for beginners as well as experienced CrossFit athletes.
Some of the benefits of Cindy Wood include increased muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, and strength. Additionally, because the workout is relatively short, it is a great way to get in a quick, intense workout.
So, if you are looking for a workout that will give you a full-body workout, is relatively short, and is perfect for beginners, then Cindy Wood is a great option!
How many rounds can you do in Cindy WOD?
The number of rounds you can do in Cindy WOD will depend on your fitness level. Beginners may only be able to complete 1-2 rounds, while experienced CrossFit athletes may be able to complete 5-6 rounds.
To see how many rounds you can do in Cindy WOD, try it out the next time you are in the gym!
Tips and advice
Here are some tips and advice for doing Cindy WOD:
-Warm up before starting the workout with some light cardio and mobility exercises. -If you cannot do pull-ups, you can modify the workout by doing jumping pull-ups or ring rows. -To make the push-ups easier, you can do them on your knees. -Pace yourself throughout the workout so that you do not burn out too early. -Focus on good form throughout the workout.
Following these tips, you will be sure to have a successful Cindy WOD workout!