How To Do Chest Press: The Beginner's Guide

How To Do Chest Press: The Beginner's Guide

The chest press is a strength training exercise that works the chest, shoulder and triceps muscles. It is typically performed with a barbell, dumbbells, or a cable machine. To perform a chest press, lie down on a flat bench with your feet firmly planted on the floor. Hold the weight in both hands and press it up until your arms are straight and the weight is above your chest. Lower the weight slowly and with control until your arms are bent and the weight is close to your chest. Hold this position for a moment and then press the weight back up to the starting position. Repeat this motion for the desired number of repetitions.

How to start?

To start, you’ll need to set up the equipment. If you’re using a barbell, you will need to load it with the appropriate amount of weight. If you’re using a cable machine or dumbbells, you’ll need to select the appropriate weight for your strength level. Once everything is set up, lie down on a flat bench with your feet firmly planted on the floor. Hold the weight in both hands and press it up until your arms are straight and the weight is above your chest.

How to do it?

To perform the chest press, lower the weight slowly and with control until your arms are bent and the weight is close to your chest. Hold this position for a moment and then press the weight back up to the starting position. Repeat this motion for the desired number of repetitions. Make sure to keep your core tight and your back flat against the bench during the exercise.

What muscles does it work?

The chest press primarily works the chest, shoulders, and triceps muscles. It is an effective exercise for building strength and size in these muscle groups.


  • Make sure to keep your core tight and your back flat against the bench during the exercise.
  • Focus on contracting the chest muscles during each repetition.
  • Use a full range of motion, from arms bent to arms extended.
  • Increase the weight gradually and only when it becomes easy to complete the desired number of repetitions.

What are the benefits?

The chest press is an excellent exercise for building strength and size in the chest, shoulders, and triceps muscles. It can also help improve posture, increase core strength, and improve muscular endurance. Additionally, the chest press can help to reduce the risk of lower back injuries by strengthening the muscles in the upper back.