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DT WOD: Instructions, Benefits and Tips

The DT workout is a full body workout that is designed to help build muscle, burn fat, and improve overall performance. It is a combination of strength training, interval training,...

Gunny WOD: Instructions, Benefits and Tips

The Gunny Workout is a full body, high intensity interval training (HIIT) program developed by former United States Marine Corps Sergeant Major, R. Lee Ermey or “Gunny”. The program consists...

Murph WOD: Instructions, Benefits and Tips

The Murph workout is a CrossFit-style fitness challenge named in honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy. It consists of a one-mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, and another...

Barbara Ann WOD: Instructions, Benefits and Tips

The Barbara Ann Workout is a full body exercise program developed by Barbara Ann Seebaldt, a certified fitness instructor and founder of the Barbara Ann Exercise Method. The program combines...

Grettel WOD: Instructions, Benefits and Tips

The Grettel Workout Program is a comprehensive system designed to help you achieve your fitness goals. It combines strength training, cardio, and nutrition to help you become stronger, leaner, and...

Chelsea WOD: Instructions, Benefits and Tips

The Chelsea Workout, created by celebrity trainer and fitness expert, Chelsea Dornan, is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) program that is designed to help you maximize your results in the...